*** Bibliografía. Bibliography.
Mi biblioteca de Instrumentación Científica consta de los siguientes libros:
Sobre Microscopios. About Microscopes:
Atlas de Microscopía. J.Bernis Mateu.Ed. Jover (Barcelona). 1968.
Catalogue of microscopes. Museo di Storia della Sciencia. Gerard L'E Turner. 1991. ISBN 8809202082.
Collecting Microscopes. L'E Turner.Pub. Cassell Ltd. London. 1981.
Collecting Stanhopes. Douglas A. Jull; D.S. Publications, Worthing, 1997. ISBN 0952997401.
De la Lupa al Microscopio Electrónico. Jean Terrien.Colección surco. Ed. Salvat. Barcelona.1953.
El Microscopio. E. Caballero. Ed. Sucesores de Manuel Soler. Barcelona.
El Microscopio y la Vida. David Robertson. Ed. Destino S.L. Barcelona.1980.ISBN. 84-233-1047-7.
El microscopio y sus aplicaciones. Haguer-Mez.Ed. Gustavo Gili. 1922.
Essays on the History of the Microscope. Gerard L'E Turner. Senecio Publishing. Oxford.1980. ISBN 0906831016.
God Bless The Microscope: A History of the Royal Microscopical Society over 150 years. Gerard L'E Turner. Ed. Royal Microscopical Society. 1989.ISBN 0950246345.
La orina al microscopio. Hoffmann-La Roche Inc. 1973.
Le Monde Invisible Dévoilé. Révelations du Microscope. H. Ph. Adan. C. 1900.
Les Merveilles du Monde Invisible. Wilfrid de Fonvielle. Ed. Hachette et Cie. Paris. 1880.
Microscopes from the Frank Collection 1800-1860. R.H. Nuttall. Jersey. 1979. ISBN 0950662801.
Microscopes. The Whipple Museum of the History of Science. Catalogue 7. Olivia Brown. Cambridge. 1986 ISBN 0 906271 01 0.
Microscopios y vida microscópica. Peter Healey. Ed Bruguera S.A. Barcelona. 1969.
Microscopium. Maria Rooseboom. Leiden. 1956.
Microscopy in America (1830-1945). Simon Henry Gage. Ed. Oscar W. Richards. East Lansing,Michigan. 1964.
Single Lens: The Story of the Simple Microscope. Brian J. Ford. Ed. Harper & Row Publishers. New York. 1985. ISBN 0060153660.
Singular Beauty: Simple Microscopes fromThe Giordano Collection. Raymond V. Giordano. 2006.
The Billings Microscope Collection. Washington. 1974. Este libro, en formato PDF, puede descargarse en (Enlace 1).
The Evolution of the Microscope. S. Bradbury. Ed. Pergamon Press. Oxford. 1967.
The Great Age of the Microscope: The Collection of the Royal Microscopical Society through 150 Years. Gerard L'E Turner. Ed. Adam Hilguer . Bristol. 1989. ISBN 0852740204.
The History of the Microscope. R.S. Clay & T.H. Court. The Holland Press (London). 1985.SBN 900470-65-8.
The light of life. The Camacho & Pallas Microscope Collection. Descriptive catalogue of the simple and compound microscopes. 2015. Agradezco al Dr. Tomás Camacho su amabilidad al enviarme este catálogo de su colección de microscopios. La cuidada edición y su magnífico contenido hacen que su lectura sea un auténtico placer. Ocupa un lugar preferente en mi biblioteca.
The Microscope. Lewis Wright. Ed. The Religious Tract Society. London. 1905.
The Microscope and its uses. Wilfred Mark Webb. Ed. Thomas Nelson. London. 1909.
The Microscope: Past and Present. S. Bradbury. Pergamon Press. Oxford. 1968.
Window On the Unknown: A History of the Microscope. Corinne Jacker. Ed. Charles Scribner's Sons. New York. 1966.
The Story of the Microscope. Harald Moe. Ed. Rhodos. Dinamarca 2004. ISBN 87 7245 777 5.
Sobre Instrumentación Científica. About Historical Scientific Instruments:
Abriendo las Cajas Negras: Colección de instrumentos científicos de la Universidad de Valencia. J.R. Bertomeu. Valencia. 2002. ISBN 8437054885.
Aproximación a las pérdidas instrumentales del Instituto de Badajoz (1845-1962). Ángel Zamoro Madera. Ed. Diputación de Badajoz. 2012. Agradezco al autor su generosidad por el envío de sus dos magníficos libros, que han enriquecido mis conocimientos sobre la Instrumentación Científica utilizada en los Institutos españoles.
A Brief History of Science: as seen through the development of scientific instruments. Thomas Crump. Ed.Robinson. London. 2002. ISBN 9781841195520.
A dictionary of weights, measures, and units. Donald Fenna - Oxford University Press. 2002. ISBN 0198605226.
Antique Scientific Instruments. Gerard L'E Turner. Ed. Blandford Press. Poole. 1980. ISBN 0713709235.
Collecting Science & Technology. lindsay Stirling. Octopus Pub. London. 2001. ISBN 1840000791.
Didáctica de Técnicas Instrumentales asistida por ordenador. Guillermo Crovetto Montoya. Francisco Vallejo Pérez de la Blanca. Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación. Granada. 1988.
Early Scientific instruments. Nigel Hawkes. Abbeville press. New York. 1981. ISBN 0896591921.
Encyclopedia of Antique Scientific Instruments. John FitzMaurice Mills. Ed. Facts on File. New York. 1983. ISBN 0871967995.
Facultad de Farmacia: 150 Aniversario de su creación. Granada 1999.
Instruments of Science: An Historical Encyclopedia. Robert Bud - Deborah Jean.Warner - Science Museum, London, and National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, in association with Garland Pub. - 1998. ISBN 0815315619.
Inventario de Instrumentos Científicos y Técnicos del Patrimonio de la Universidad de Granada. Ed. Universidad de Granada. 2007. ISBN 9788433847881.
Fine Scientific Instruments. Christie's. Shouth Kesington. London. 1996.
La invención de la fotografía: La imagen revelada.Quentin Bajac - Félez Eva Maria.Cantenys - Ed. Blume (Barcelona) - 2011. ISBN 9788480769310.
Museo de la Ciencia: Catálogo-Guía: 130 años de historia de la Ciencia. Fernando Colodro Campos O.F.M. Editado por Fundación Cultura y Misión Francisco de Asís.Martos (Jaén), 2011. ISBN 9788461551798. He compartido con el autor, los estudios de la Licenciatura en Ciencias Químicas, la afición por la Instrumentación Científica, la Música y sobretodo, una magnífica amistad que perdura a través de los años.
Nineteenth-Century Scientific Instruments. Gerard L'E. Turner. Sotheby Publications. University of California Press. 1983. ISBN 0 85667 170 3.
Patrimonio Científico y Técnico de la Universidad de Granada. Ed. Universidad de Granada. 2007. ISBN 9788433846105.
Patrimonio Histórico remanente (Científico-Técnico-Didáctico) del Instituto de Badajoz (1845-1962). Ángel Zamoro Madera. Ed. Diputación de Badajoz. 2010. ISBN 9788469324752.
Scales: A collector's guide. Bill & Jan Berning. Schiffer Pub. Atglen. 2004. ISBN 0764319051.
Scales and Balances: a guide to collecting. J.T. Graham. Ed. Shire Publications Ltd. Princes Risborough. 1993. ISBN 0747802270.
Science, Curiosités & Armes dont la collection de microscopes Camacho-Pallas. Artcurial.. Paris. 2019.
Science Preserved: A directory of scientific instruments in collections in the United Kingdom and Eire. Mary Holbrook HMSO Pub London. 1992. ISBN 0112900607.
Scientific Instruments 1500-1900. An Introduccion. Gerard L'E Turner. Philip Wilson Pub. London. 1998. ISBN 0520217284.
Scientific Instruments in art and history. Henri Michel. Ed. Barrie and Rockliff. London. 1966.
Scientific Instruments of the 17th & 18th Centuries and their Makers. Maurice Dumas. Ed B.T. Brtsford. London.1972. ISBN 0713407271.
Stereo Views : An Illustrated History & Price Guide.John S.Waldsmith - Krause Publications - 2002 Iola. ISBN 0873494091.
The Age of Sciencia: The Scientific World-view in the Nineteenth Century. David Knight. Ed. Basil Blackwell Ltd. Oxford. 1988. ISBN 0631161767.
Un siglo de instrumentación Científica (1851-1950). Jesús Thomas Gómez, Pedro Martínez de las Parras, Mª Isabel Martínez Puentedura y Serafín Montes Rueda. Ed. Universidad de Granada. 2003. ISBN 8433829742. Todos ellos compañeros y amigos queridos con los que he compartido años de trabajo y de vida.
Veteran Scales and Balances. Brian Jewell. Ed.Midas Boocks. Kent. 1978. ISBN 0859360814.
Weights and Measures. J.T. Graham. Ed. Shire Publications Ltd. Princes Risborough. 1993. ISBN 0747802262.
Libros Digitalizados. Digitized Books:
Microscope books
CD History of the Microscope.
The Microscope. AND ITS RELATION TO Medicine and Pharmacy Journal Series- Each volume is 12 monthly issues - somewhere between 200 and 400 pages
Volume 1 - 1881
Volume 2 - 1882
Volume 3 - 1883
Volume 4 - 1884
Volume 5 - 1885
Volume 6 - 1886
Volume 7 - 1887
Volume 8 - 1888
Volume 9 - 1889
Volume 11 - 1991
Volume 12 - 1892
New Series Volume 1 -1893
New Series Volume 1 -1894
New Series Volume 1 -1895
New Series Volume 1 -1896
New Series Volume 1 -1897
CD History of the Microscope.
1. The microscope: its history, construction, and applications (1869) - Hogg, Jabez - 762 pages
2. The microscope; a simple handbook (1921) - Beck, Conrad - 144 pages
3. The microscope; an advanced handbook (1921) - Beck, Conrad - 231 pages
4. The microscope (1920) - Hawks, Ellison - 154 pages
5. Beck microscopes ([19--?]) - 116 pages
6. The microscope : [excerpts] from The museum of science and art (1856) - Lardner, Dionysius - 250 pages
7. Manipulation of the microscope (1897) - Bausch, Edward - 200 pages
8. The microscope and histology (1892) - Gage, Simon Henry - 234 pages
9. The Telescope and Microscope (1852) - Thomas Dick - 178 pages
10. Evenings at the microscope (pref. 1859) - Gosse, Philip Henry - 468 pages
11. Nature through microscope & camera (1909) - Kerr, Richard - 344 pages
12. The microscope and its revelations Volume 1 (1883) - Carpenter, William Benjamin - 388 pages
13. The microscope and its revelations Volume 2 (1883) - Carpenter, William Benjamin - 354 pages
14. Photography Applied to the Microscope (1891) - Frederick William Mills, Thomas Charters White - 61 pages
15. The microscope; a practical handbook (1922) - Wright, Lewis; Drew, Aubrey H - 287 pages
16. Common objects of the microscope (1861) - Wood, J. G. (John George); West, Tuffen - 188 pages
17. How to See with the Microscope (1885) - J Edwards Smith - 420 pages
18. How to Work with the Microscope (1868) - Lionel Smith Beale - 550 pages
19. The microscope in the brewery and malthouse (1889) - Matthews, Charles George; Lott, Francis Edward - 198 pages
20. Employment for the microscope : in two parts (1764) - Baker, Henry - 509 pages
21. One thousand objects for the microscope (1869) - Cooke, M. C. (Mordecai Cubitt) - 160 pages
22. The Microscope: an introduction to microscopic methods and to histology (1917) - Simon Henry Gage - 492 pages
23. Microscopy: The Construction, Theory and Use of the Microscope (1907) - Edmund Johnson Spitta - 566 pages
24. Principles of microscopy, being a handbook to the microscope (1906) - Wright, Almroth Edward - 316 pages
25. How to use the microscope; a guide for the novice (1912) - Hall, Charles Albert - 141 pages
26. Half-hours with the microscope : a popular guide to the use of the microscope as a means of amusement and instruction (1892) - Lankester, Edwin - 173 pages
27. The microscopist; or, A complete manual on the use of the microscope (1853) - Wythe, J. H. (Joseph Henry) - 232 pages
28. The microscope and its lessons. A study of the invisible world; with pictorial descriptions of its inhabitants (1891) - Crowther, James - 296 pages
29. Micoscopes and microscopic accessories 32nd edition (1902) - Carl Zeiss - 178 pages
30. Micoscopes and microscopic accessories 33rd edition (1906) - Carl Zeiss - 122 pages
31. Microscopes and accessories catalog (1900) - Bausch & Lomb Optical Company - 194 pages
32. Practical hints on the selection and use of the microscope. Intended for beginners (1892) - Phin, John - 155 pages
33. The amateur microscopist or, Views of the microscopic world, a handbook of microscopic manipulation and microscopic objects ... illustrated with 247 figures on wood and stone (1871) - Brocklesby, John - 176 pages
34. The preparation & mounting of microscopic objects (1873) - Davies, Thomas, microscopist; Matthews, John, M. D - 232 pages
35. Three American Microscope Builders (1945) - American Optical Company - 78 pages
CD conteniendo Libros sobre microscopía anteriores a 1800.
CD "Victorian Science".
CD "The History of the Microscope"
1900 Beck microscopes.pdf
1916 How to use and care for the microscope.pdf
Half-hours with the microscope.pdf
How to see with the microscope.pdf
How to work with the microscope..pdf
Micoscopes and microscopic accessories (1902).pdf
Microscope & Accessories Catalog (1914).pdf
Microscopes and Accessories (1900).pdf
Microscopic illustrations of living objects.pdf
Modern optical instruments and their construction (1896).pdf
Practical hints on the selection & Use of the Microscope.pdf
The amateur microscopist.pdf
The art of study - a manual for teachers and students of the science and the art of teaching (1900).pdf
The microscope - its history, construction, and application.pdf
The Microscope (1899).pdf
The microscopist or, A complete manual on the use of the microscope .. (1877).pdf
The microscopist or, A complete manual on the use of the microscope ([1853]).pdf
The preparation and mounting of microscopic objects.pdf
The theory of optical instruments (1907).pdf
Three American Microscope Builders.pdf
CD con catálogos de las empresas: Zeiss (1889, 1891, 1902, 1913, 1926, 1927); Leitz (1886, 1897, 1905); Schotte; Merz; Kern; Altmann; Reiss; Ploessi; Buexentein.
CD con el catálogo de la empresa Leitz (1894).
CD con el catálogo de la empresa Bausch & Lomb (1905).
Bibliografía de Otras Colecciones.
Bibliography of Other Collections.
Autor: Laurence A. Brown. Ed. Spink & Son Ltd. 2007. ISBN 0-900652-92-6.
Autores: Rudolf Dud'a y Lubos Rejl. Editorial SUSAETA S. A. Edición 1990. ISBN: 9-788430-515851.
Autores: Vojtech Turek, Jeroslav Marek y Josef Benes. Editorial SUSAETA S. A. Edición 1989.
Edita: Diario El País. Real Casa de la Moneda. Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre. 2002.
Edita: Diario El País. Real Casa de la Moneda. Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre. 2003.
Autor: Rafael Feria.
LUNWERG Editores y Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre. 1999. ISBN: 84-7782-184-4.